066/100 Drew Moser (3) and the Enneagram of Discernment
065/100 Type 5: Sam Greenberg, Enneagram Sexpert
064/100 Type 4: Creative Growth
063/100 Type 4: Creative Struggles
062/100 Type 4: Creative Gifts
061/100 Type 4: You get to do this.
060/100 Type 3: Creative Growth
059/100 Type 3: Creative Struggles
058/100 Type 3: Creative Gifts
057/100 Type 3: Work ≠ Worth
056/100 This Moment, Anti-Racism, & the Enneagram
055/100 An Update: Chris H. Allegations
054/100 Type 2: Turn In.
053/100 Type 1: Done > Perfect.
052/100 Creative Challenges: Fear (5,6,7)
051/100 Creative Challenges: Comparison (2,3,4)
050/100 Creative Challenges: Self-Forgetting (8,9,1)
049/100 Enneagram Creativity (Made to Make)
048/100 The Idealists/Frustration Types (1,4,7)
047/100 The Pragmatists/Attachment Types (3,6,9)